Semester 2, week 1
Just kidding, guys. I’m not actually engaged. Gotcha. BUT... I did find the L-word of my life. Love? Lust? Llama? Nope. LADY. Let me tell you about this Hallmark-level rom-com of a story.
So picture this: I go to an apartment party last Sunday night (I know, who is he?? Social Dallin out in the wild). I’m just vibing, you know, trying to make awkward small talk with strangers, when she walks in. Cue the slow-mo movie montage, wind blowing in her long brown hair (probably from the heater vent, but whatever). We start talking, and I am staring into her light green eyes.... and let me tell you, the chemistry was *instant*. Like, HEAVY flirting and like "we-finish-each-other’s-sentences" kind of vibes.
Fast forward, we hang out for like two days straight. TWO. DAYS. I’ve never clicked this hard with anyone in my life. I didn’t even know this kind of connection existed outside of Netflix. Like she's genuinely so beautiful, hilarious, and has the best personality—like, she’s the type of person who can make anything fun.
But wait -- to good to be true right?! Now here’s where the tragedy strikes. Are you ready for your heart to be ripped out cuz I wan't? She was just visiting a friend here in Rexburg that just got a her mission call. Yup. After those magical two days, she went back home. Somewhere far away.... not like Narnia far, but still... (Utah). I’m not crying; you are. This is literally the start of every Hallmark movie ever, except its real life, and I don’t have a quirky small-town Christmas festival to win her back.
So now I’m sitting here, freezing my butt off in Rexburg-- did I mention it was NEGATIVE TEN DEGREES today?? I feel like Jack from Titanic, just trying to survive out here, and all I can think about is her. What’s worse is I can’t even distract myself because every time I do something, I’m like, “Oh man, she’d totally love this,” or “I wonder what she’s doing right now.” I’m so down bad for her guys!
ANYWAY, a really good friend of mine, Estelle, got married! Super fun wedding—I was one of the groomsmen. Her husband, Micah? Absolute legend. He’s my new bestie. I’m talking full bromance. So yeah, that was a solid highlight of my week, other than the part where I met the girl of my dreams, and she immediately left my life forever.
If you want more tea about the mystery girl, hit me up. I’m not saying I’m already planning a road trip to visit her, but… I’m not NOT saying that either. 👀
In other news, life in Rexburg is wild. I’ve officially accepted that my face will be permanently frozen in a look of shock from the cold. But hey, it builds character, right? Hope you’re all doing amazing and staying warmer than I am!
Peace out!
Ya boi Dallin