Week 4-7 Update:
Alright, I’ve been terrible at writing weekly, so here’s a catch-up from the past few weeks. It's been crazy so buckle up.
First off, I’m still ridiculously into the girl (L) I met the first week of the semester. I have no idea why, but I can’t go on a date with anyone else without thinking about her. She checks every single box I’m looking for. The only issue? She plays hard to get, which is super frustrating because I’m not the type who enjoys the chase—I usually lose interest and move on. But she’s different. I don’t want to let go. She’s like a magnet, keeping me interested just enough to stick around. And the worst part? I think she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s definitely playing games, and I hate it... but I also want her. It’s confusing.
I tell my friend Jace every little detail, and he’s just as lost as I am—one second, he tells me to drop her, and the next, he says to go for it. No one knows what to do about this situation, including me.
I went on this whole rant because while scrolling through my photos to remember what I’ve done since January, I saw a picture of her. AHHH.
Moving on—my friend group started off great at the beginning of the semester, but now? Not so much. Two people in the group constantly stir up drama when there’s literally nothing to fight about. It’s annoying, and I’d love to drop them, but everyone has already settled into their friend groups, so I feel kind of stuck.
Anyway, back to her (L). Since she’s always on my mind, I decided to be bold and go to a white lie party. For those who don’t know, a white lie party is where you wear a white shirt with a little lie written on it. I wrote, “Not into L names,” knowing she’d be there. The crazy part? I actually talked to her at the party, and she didn’t even notice my shirt. So, naturally, I posted it on my Instagram story because I know she checks my posts. I made sure the shirt was visible, and guess what? She liked my story. Then she slid up on my next one.
So basically, ya boi has rizz. (Not really, but let me have this moment.)
I don’t know where this sudden confidence came from, but she brings out the best in me. When I’m around her, I feel more confident, like her energy rubs off on me. She makes me want to be better without even trying. It hit me that if I want someone like her who meets my standards, I need to become that person first.
Now, let’s talk about Valentine’s week! My friend Harley surprised me, which was such a needed moment. She was my go-to person last semester, and we trauma-bonded after dealing with my literal psycho roommate (a story for another time). She surprised me at a friend’s birthday party, and it was the best thing ever. We decided to celebrate with a friend’s Valentine’s party and went to Applebee’s for half-off “apple-tizers” (we coined that term, so don’t steal it).
In my classic boredom-driven impulsiveness, I dyed my hair back to blonde. I was tired of the ginger allegations, so I bleached it. Some days I love it, other days I regret it—womp womp, hair grows back.
Then, in a plot twist, I finally got over the first girl (L) . I decided I deserved better and had a Walmart adventure with my homie Beth. We had an impromptu photoshoot, grabbed ice cream, and just had a chill day.
But of course, life is never that simple. I met some new people, including a girl named Adelia—she’s insanely cool and so pretty. We hung out for two days, and I might have been interested… if she hadn’t just broken up with one of my friends. Awkward. After that, Hyrum and I, along with our new friend Talan (yes, it rhymes with my name—Dallin and Talan, lol), we went to an apartment hangout with a girl named Caprice. She’s super chill, a great dancer, and we clicked well, but I didn’t like her like that.
At this point, I realized I’m still not over her (L) because I’m meeting all these amazing girls, yet none of them compare. AHHH, I hate it.
To distract myself, Hyrum, Talan, and I saw a new horror movie called The Monkey. The beginning and middle were great, but the ending? Trash. No real conclusion, just random deaths and then the movie just stopped. We were so confused and lost. It had so much potential, and they fumbled it. Oh well.
After the movie, we went to my friend Courtney’s mission call opening! She’s going to Seattle, WA—literally my home state! I’m so proud of her and know she’ll have an amazing experience.
A few uneventful days later, my aunt surprised me and took my cousin and me bowling. I was doing so well at first… until my legally blind and partially paralyzed cousin absolutely destroyed us. I still don’t understand how that was possible. We wrapped up the night at an Asian restaurant next to the bowling alley, and it was amazing.
And just when I thought I was finally over the first girl… she texted me. AHHH. I folded so fast. Now we’re talking again, and she wants to hang out this week. We’ll see if it actually happens.
So here I am, sitting at work on a Monday, promising myself I’ll do better at writing these updates weekly. Let’s see how that goes. Wish me luck!
Dallin Pond